The Carole Sund Center opened in 2000 and provides day program services to adults with intellectual disabilities. The program was relocated in 2013. It is now located on over 4 acres of agricultural land on the South end of Eureka. Our participants are "farming for their future"
In this agricultural based environment the participants can earn money working the farm by selling the fresh vegetables and eggs to community members and their residential facilities.
Along with working the farm, landscaping and community recycling, many of our individuals are enjoying employment opportunities working with the Tri-City Weekly.
The participants are not only helping to meet the needs of the local community while developing and maintaining a wide variety of skills, they feel a sense of pride and accomplishment from their work and really appreciate a paycheck!
The Sund Center's farm and garden offers our participants both active and passive interactions. It includes a variety of herbs for sensory stimulation and seasonal interest, several greenhouses and many spaces for privacy and social interaction. There are safe and stable surfaces, raised beds, garden seating, playful areas and natural distractions that elicit emotional responses.
The Sund Center Farm has many aspects to it. There is work enough for everyone, and we do our best to involve everyone who wants to help in anyway they can. Some of our farmers just work with the gardening, or the animals, some prefer to work with the fish and plants in our aquaponics system, or the bee keeping. Still some prefer more indoor activities like making products from the farm. Their cat mint pillows, lavender sachets, farmers market bags and cards from paper they make with dried flowers they've grown are all good sellers.
The Carole Sund Center provides many opportunities for learning and earning, working toward community integration and competitive employment. A community recycling program with a number of local businesses is well attended, along with a large Tri-City paper route. We also provide supports with a number of our participants to attend a variety of classes at College of the Redwoods. Additionally we are quite pleased to work with the City of Eureka's Community Works program helping to maintain Old Town.